the move begins

I got my hubby headed off to his new job yesterday. Yeah!  He starts work monday.  Now I am on my own to get everything ready for the move. I am glad we have movers coming, however just getting ready for them and getting my house ready to sell is overwhelming. 

Yesterday I also celebrated my birthday with mom. Doing the dinner and movie thing. Thought I would top it off with a little frozen custard. Well I always get the same thing but being my birthday and all I decided to get something new. Not sure what the problem was but by the time I got home I was so sick. Hugging the toilet and I didn't even drink alcohol. When I was young and celebrated I knew why I was sick. (to much fun!!). The good news is I believe in celebrating your birthday all week. And the rest of my week is going to be greeeat! 


Michelle W said…
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! Hate that you got sick!! Have a good rest of the birthday week. I like your way of thinking.
tojoco said…
Happy Belated Birthday, Tricia. I am so sad because I didn't know you were moving to Minnesota! Don't forget your mukluks.
cesselcom said…
Happy Birthday and Moving Day! I hope your move goes smoothly. I'm still unpacking. Keep your blog up to date so we can follow you! T

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